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What Is A Himalayan Salt Stone Massage? Himalayan salt is an iron oxide-based rock salt sourced from the Himalayan Mountains, which stretch from Afghanistan to Bhutan in South Asia. It is famous for its stand-out pink color and rich mineral content, including high levels of magnesium, calcium and potassium.  In skin care, Himalayan salts are used as exfoliating scrubs ( during facials to buff the complexion and during body treatments to smooth skin all over the body while improving circulation and providing relaxation. They are also used to perform a Himalayan salt stone massage. Estheticians use heated salt stones and place them on various points across the body such as on the legs, back and feet. They glide the salt stones over the body to heat the muscles, increase blood flow and release tension. The esthetician can customize the massage using different techniques such as trigger point therapy, Swedish massage or deep tissue massage.

Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Stone Massage One major benefit of this massage is an improvement in the skin’s appearance. The mineral content in Himalayan salt provides exfoliation and improves circulation, leaving the Clients’ skin looking smooth and soft.  As this massage utilizes heated salt stones, Himalayan salt can also work as an anti-inflammatory tool. According to Eminence Organics Product Support Representative Natasha Cannone, “Himalayan salts have been said to relieve pain such as muscle weakness, headaches, joint pain and fatigue.” The heat from the stones relieves tension and knots in the muscles and eases stress in the body, making it a useful treatment for those who suffer from pain or discomfort.  As a result of relieving pain and tension from the body, Clients may notice a positive effect on their emotional well-being. The warm stones coupled with a relaxed body free from discomfort tend to leave the Client feeling calmer and less stressed. Some theories suggest that negative ions generated in Himalayan salt contribute to the sense of peace and deep relaxation that people experience. Many salts found in natural environments such as mountains, oceans and waterfalls contain negative ions. However, the scientific evidence around the specific impacts of the negative ions in this salt is limited.

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